Yesterday’s topic was quite an easy one, as most people are visual and their imagination is triggered by beautiful places and spaces. Today I’m asking you to get creative!
The next step to creating a gorgeous home office space that you love and want to spend time in, is to focus on the layout of your space. If you are stuck for ideas check out these on Pinterest: of just type home office into a google image search.
My personal tips for laying out a home office are the following:
- The space needs to be somewhere you feel comfortable. Some people like to be in a busy corner of the house, where they are surrounded by the buzz and others, (like me) need peace and quiet away from distractions when working. You probably already have a space for your home office, but today I want you to think outside of the box. Is this really the right place for me to work or study from?
- With computer screens being one of the main functional items in the study space these days, light control is even more important. Sitting somewhere bright but without direct sunlight is usually required. Do you have adequate light in this space, (I’m talking artificial as well as natural) and do you have enough light control? For example, your space can become useless at 3 pm when the afternoon sun is brightly shining into your computer screen. This can distract you from your work and make you less productive (and have to work longer!) Don’t put up with a less than perfect space. If you need to get some curtains, promise yourself to get them this weekend. If you need to move your desk to the other side of the room, then do it!
- I have found that instinctively you might locate your home office (usually not more than a desk) as close to power points as possible, and your might feel that you can’t move them because of the proximity to electricity. Unless you are lucky enough to have an electrician for a husband (its wonderful…), you will probably have to come up with some more creative ideas. These days you can hide trunking and cables in false skirting, behind panelling or go wireless. I tend to use switched multi-gang extension leads quite a lot in “temporary offices” the switches make things safer and a little more energy efficient. If you think you can’t move your desk to a better location, think again, just try to imagine it in the best possible space in your current home.
- Finally, when you are thinking about this space, really think about how you currently use it, how you want to be able to use it and also, if you weren’t bound by ‘this and that’, what would you really want your office to be like? Sometimes we tell ourselves that we can’t actually have a better space because we would get in someone’s way or that Most of us don’t have the luxury of taking a whole room for our office space but what is important is not to limit yourself. Think about it this way, this is your life, right now and in order to be the best boss, employee, entrepreneur, student or mum, you need to have a space where you can work efficiently, be inspired, present the best version of yourself and also enjoy it too!
What do you consider to be a creative layout? What would you dream of having or what would actually be the most beneficial layout to you right now? Get creative and share your pins, Instagram images or boards with me.